Collection of views of the principal palaces, buildings, and the most beautiful areas of and around Vienna

Collection of views of the principal palaces, buildings, and the most beautiful areas of and around Vienna

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AA Flip book containing 100 images of Vienna and nearby areas published by Maria Geissler in 1812
AA Flip book containing 100 images of Vienna and nearby areas published by Maria Geissler in 1812
Am Lugeck street in Vienna
Am Lugeck street in Vienna
Ancient castle in the imperial gardens of Laxenburg
Ancient castle in the imperial gardens of Laxenburg
The area around Haimbach (Hainbach)
The area around Haimbach (Hainbach)
Bach's gymnastic circus
Bach's gymnastic circus
Ballhaus next to the imperial palace in Vienna
Ballhaus next to the imperial palace in Vienna
The baths of St. Leopold in Baden
The baths of St. Leopold in Baden
Bridge in the garden of Prince Liechtenstein in the Rossau
Bridge in the garden of Prince Liechtenstein in the Rossau
The city of Vienna
The city of Vienna
Entrance to the Augarten
Entrance to the Augarten
Exterior of the swimming school in the Prater
Exterior of the swimming school in the Prater
Fireworks plaza in Vienna
Fireworks plaza in Vienna
The first café in the Prater
The first café in the Prater
First well of the aqueduct of Prince Albert
First well of the aqueduct of Prince Albert
The Freyung
The Freyung
Gothenburg tower in the Prater
Gothenburg tower in the Prater
The Graben in Vienna
The Graben in Vienna
The Graben in Vienna
The Graben in Vienna
High Market in Vienna
High Market in Vienna
Home of Count Cavriani on upper Bräunerstrasse
Home of Count Cavriani on upper Bräunerstrasse
Hotel for Invalids
Hotel for Invalids
The hotel of Count Fries (Pallavicini Palace)
The hotel of Count Fries (Pallavicini Palace)
House of the German Order, named the German House, with the church
House of the German Order, named the German House, with the church
Hungarian chancellery in Vienna
Hungarian chancellery in Vienna
The imperial and royal Redoutensaal
The imperial and royal Redoutensaal
Imperial armory in the Renngasse
Imperial armory in the Renngasse
Imperial art museum in the Belvedere
Imperial art museum in the Belvedere
Imperial bank in the Singerstrasse
Imperial bank in the Singerstrasse
Imperial Chancellery building
Imperial Chancellery building
Imperial Chancellery for Bohemia and Austria in Vienna
Imperial Chancellery for Bohemia and Austria in Vienna
Imperial court finance chamber on the Johannesgasse
Imperial court finance chamber on the Johannesgasse
Imperial Hall of Ceremonies
Imperial Hall of Ceremonies
Imperial horse stalls
Imperial horse stalls
Imperial mint in the Himmelpfortgasse
Imperial mint in the Himmelpfortgasse
The imperial pleasure-palace at Laxenburg
The imperial pleasure-palace at Laxenburg
Imperial War Chancellery
Imperial War Chancellery
Interior of the Imperial Riding School in Vienna
Interior of the Imperial Riding School in Vienna
Interior of the swimming school in the Prater
Interior of the swimming school in the Prater
Interior view of the Josephstadt Theater in Vienna
Interior view of the Josephstadt Theater in Vienna
Interior view of the Kärtnerthortheater in Vienna
Interior view of the Kärtnerthortheater in Vienna
Interior view of the Leopoldstadt Theater in Vienna
Interior view of the Leopoldstadt Theater in Vienna
Interior view of the old Burgtheater on the Michaelerplatz
Interior view of the old Burgtheater on the Michaelerplatz
Interior view of the Theater an der Wien
Interior view of the Theater an der Wien
Kohlmarkt in Vienna
Kohlmarkt in Vienna
Lower Austria administration building on the Minoritenplatz
Lower Austria administration building on the Minoritenplatz
Mehlgrube on the Neuer Markt in Vienna
Mehlgrube on the Neuer Markt in Vienna
Obelisk in the gardens at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna
Obelisk in the gardens at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna
The old castle Lichtenstein
The old castle Lichtenstein
Palace of Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este
Palace of Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este
Palace of Prince Razumovsky
Palace of Prince Razumovsky
The palace of the Duke of Saxe-Teschen
The palace of the Duke of Saxe-Teschen
Palace of the prince of Liechtenstein, Street of the Lords (Herrngasse)
Palace of the prince of Liechtenstein, Street of the Lords (Herrngasse)
Part of the k. k. Hofburg formerly called the Reich Chancellery
Part of the k. k. Hofburg formerly called the Reich Chancellery
Part of the property of Baron von Lang in Baden
Part of the property of Baron von Lang in Baden
Plate 20. View of the church and charterhouse in Koblenz
Plate 20. View of the church and charterhouse in Koblenz
The pleasure (hunting) pavilion in the Prater
The pleasure (hunting) pavilion in the Prater
The Polytechnic Institute in Vienna
The Polytechnic Institute in Vienna
Public botanical garden on the Rennweg in Vienna
Public botanical garden on the Rennweg in Vienna
Schönbrunn Palace
Schönbrunn Palace
The Schwarzenberg Palace on the Glacis
The Schwarzenberg Palace on the Glacis